Friday 3 October 2008

Man Auction

An auction. Buy a man.

Winner takes all.

Simple. Pure capitalism at its evolutionary and savage best. No time wasting. Inspect the goods, see what you like, touch what you like, and if you still like, stake your claim. If your stake is big enough, you get your man. The gavel's report signs the deal. Your cash seals the deal. Done deal. Your deal. No big deal about courtship or strings. Just a big deal. A real deal. Money talks when it is time to do the deal.

Sounds like a deal? Empty your piggy banks ladies. Single? Perfect. Married? What's the problem, it is all for charity, right? Kate needs to raise £2,500 to buy her place on a 385km bicycle ride around Jordan. She has to raise the cash. She is going to do it with a man auction. Take your pick. Pick a man. There will be choice. Sporty types. Thoughtful types. Musical types. Must have types. What's your type?

I will be there. I will be listed in the buyer's catalogue. I will be going under the hammer. What will be bid for me? Will I meet my reserve? Will I be a deal? Will I be a steal? The bidding happens in early 2009. I suppose an interested party could pre-empt the auction. Everything has its price. Avoid disappointment. Book your seat now. Enquiries welcome, but no time wasters, please.

For charity.

Of course.


Unknown said...


So once a lady has bought you can she get you to do whatever she wants??

And how long can she keep you for??

Zom said...

Whatever she wants? It depends on the bidding. The more she spends, the more the discerning lady will want, I don't doubt. I can handle it.

And for how long? Well, aren't we a seasoned shopper! The answer depends on whether the acquisition is to be written off as a depreciated expense or carefully protected like any capital investment.

Would your friend like to start the bidding?

Unknown said...

A seasoned shopper?? - Yes, but not usually for men!

I'll round up some friends who might like to own you!!

Sounds like a fun night.